Walking as a Community based art practice


Walking as a community-based art practice
Tuesday, 17th September, 18.30 CEST 

Given than Europe’s rural communities facing abandonment and destruction can be revitalized through community-based art, the University of Western Macedonia, in collaboration with partners from six European countries, created WALC network, aiming to reinvigorate Prespes region, as well as other isolated areas in Europe, through community-based art practices, with walking as a key practice.

The WALC network aims to expand the experience from Greece’s Prespa region to other areas, where the partners have applied community-based practices. It aims to establish an ongoing outdoor art project with both physical and digital spaces. This initiative will bring together walking artists, ecologists, scientists, local citizens, refugees and immigrants to establish collaborations for community-based art projects that will support the sustainability of rural areas that face abandonment.

To this direction, WALC organizes the 3-part opening seminar on Tuesday, 17th September, at 18.30. The first part will feature a discussion between Lydia Matthew, curator (Athens/New York, Clare Qualmann, artist (Walking Artists Network / University of East London) and Jez Hastings, nomad artist (Great Britain). The discussion will be followed by a roundtable discussion with the curator and activist Nina Felshin (USA) as moderator and with the participation of WALC members Clara Gari (Catalonia), Natacha Antao Moutinho (Portugal), Sylvie Marchand (France), Anna Luyten (Belgium), Andrew Stuck (Great Britain) and Yannis Ziogas, Professor of the University of Western Macedonia.

The seminar will conclude with an invitation from WALC’s artistic coordinators, Yiannis Ziogas and Geert Vermeire, for organizations, schools, groups, collectives and individual artists to join WALC’s journey.

More information on the programme and participation possibilities are available on the link: https://walklistencreate.org/walkingevent/walkingasacommunitybasedartpracticewalcopeningseminar/ 

Link for the seminar:


University of Western Macedonia
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