“Stories From the Regions | Production About U.O.W.M. Campus” – The new video of the New Campus of the University of Western Macedonia, produced by the European Commission


The University of Western Macedonia and specifically the new Campus in the Active Urban Planning Zone (ZEP area) of Kozani is the focus of the new video produced by the European Commission, with the distinctive title “Stories From The Regions | Production About U.O.W.M. Campus”, which was published on the YouTube platform. This particular series and the video show the current status of flagship projects that were implemented with European Union funds.

The video in question includes testimonies of the Rector, Professor Theodoros Theodoulidis, members of the teaching and administrative staff as well as students of the Institution who describe the changes brought about by the new Campus not only in the daily life of the university community but also in the dynamic placement of the Institution in the academic map of the country.

University of Western Macedonia
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