A variety of services are provided by our experienced team:
- planning projects and development schemes to be undertaken by the Facilities Management Service
- preparing funding proposals for projects and construction works
- collecting, classifying and using project and construction works statistics
- preparing detailed designs for development schemes (architectural, statics, electromechanical and techno-economical) or outsourcing
- preparing tenders for development schemes, construction or maintenance works
- carrying out contracts for approved construction works and procurement
- monitoring and controlling contracts and works commissioned by the University to third parties (outsourcing)
- engaging in planning building schemes, and approval and monitoring of projects drawn up by outsourcing
- inspection of sites and drafting reports
- drawing up specifications for purchase of materials and equipmentkeepi
- ng records for standardizing construction schemes and procurement
- engaging in grounds maintenance schemes (grassland across the University estate) or outsourcing
Head: Goula Vagia
Tel: 2461056355
e-mail: vgoula@uowm.gr
Anna Patika
Tel: 2461056356
E-mail: apatika@uowm.gr
Kouziakis Charis
Tel: 2461056358
E-mail: ckouziakis@uowm.gr
Email: dev@uowm.gr