The Department caters for:
- developing scientific collections in printed and electronic form, for every School and Department of the University, as well as material maintaining and archiving.
- library processing and documenting based on international, commonly accepted, standards as well as entering, correcting, and controlling the records quality in the electronic public access catalogue (OPAC).
- collecting and assessing the Departments’ proposals regarding the supply of scientific journals and electronic databases and sources.
- processing, managing, and keeping statistics regarding the use of print and online journal subscriptions and electronic databases and sources.
- users’ support concerning the collection of journals, databases, and electronic resources.
- enhancing and managing the Institutional Repository collection as well as running and handling UOWM Research Data Repository Information System.
- managing EUDOXUS publications.
Department Head: Maria Lappa
Tel.: 2461056790 (ext. 6790)
Library Staff
Irini Kayava
Tel: 24610 56792 (ext. 6792)